I would love to share a good friend's art....
About the artist: Donna Chopp attended Cal Poly, Pomona as a pre-vet student and worked at a large equine clinic in Chino, Ca. She now manages Equine Insurance as her "day" job, specializing in equine and farm-related insurance coverages. I have my horses insured through her and couldn't be happier with the service. She is an active rider and participant in horse shows. Donna also enjoys cycling, is a certified aerobic instructor and teaches spinning classes.
Tell us a little about you, what is your background & where do you come from?
I was born in Oconomowoc, WI and my family moved to California when I was 3. We moved alot, so I was a shy kid and had lots of time to myself. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother, but the closest sister is 6 years older, so she didn't want to hang out with me. I always enjoyed drawing, my father was very artistic and loved to do calligraphy and lettering. I was more of a free spirit and started to draw and paint. In high school I started to draw horses using pastels that I found in
the garage. I loved copying the pictures of horses in the Arabian Magazines. My mother wanted me to go to art school, but I wanted to pursue other interests and keep art as my hobby. As I got older, and more busy, I had less time to draw and it got put on the back burner. In 1999 I took a watercolor class and had a blast. The teacher told me if I practiced (every day) I could be pretty good. I have done a few paintings, but not my best medium (Plus I have not practiced). About 9 months ago, a friend at the barn wanted a picture of her dog done on black paper, I told her I could give it a try and see what happens. It turn out pretty good, so I started doing others for gifts, and I am really liking it.
When did you first start drawing animals?
In high school really.
How long does it take you on average to feel like a piece is completed?
It depends, several hours to several days...It depends on my mood and the flow of the portrait. Sometimes I hate them as I am working on them, and I have to give it time to work itself out.

Do you have any secret rituals you do to help you get in the zone for your art?
Not really, sometimes I just leave the picture out and look at it. Usually, I think, "I am not sure I can do this" then I just start drawing and let the picture develop...
What else are you passionate about?
Horses and riding! I love it.
Anything else you'd like to add....
I really do not think of myself as an artist...I think I have artistic ability, but an artist really can create from their mind. I really am enjoying creating the portraits and hope to keep doing 2 to 3 per month.
In high school really.
How long does it take you on average to feel like a piece is completed?
It depends, several hours to several days...It depends on my mood and the flow of the portrait. Sometimes I hate them as I am working on them, and I have to give it time to work itself out.

Do you have any secret rituals you do to help you get in the zone for your art?
Not really, sometimes I just leave the picture out and look at it. Usually, I think, "I am not sure I can do this" then I just start drawing and let the picture develop...
What else are you passionate about?
Horses and riding! I love it.
Anything else you'd like to add....
I really do not think of myself as an artist...I think I have artistic ability, but an artist really can create from their mind. I really am enjoying creating the portraits and hope to keep doing 2 to 3 per month.

If you are interested in commissioned portrait services, you can contact Donna through email donna@equine-ins.com. Portraits start at $300.
Wow! What an amazing artist! The resemblance of the real subject is unreal!
I have always wanted someone to do a painting of my horses. Hopefully someday!
I'm going to save my pennies because her work is fabulous!
Wow, truly amazing and inspiring! Thanks for sharing this wonderful artist and works!
Lovely work, thanks for sharing!
My goodness she does a wonderful job. Her paintings look identical to the pictures.
She is a very talented lady.
I only have dreams of being able to draw like that.
Fantastic artist, amazing talent!
What outstanding artistic skill! Beautiful
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