Friday, November 12, 2010

Mazzy update

Mazzy has been really enjoying herself. She gets a morning swim in the aquatread and then a nice walk on the eurociser. What a life!

I then ride her around the racetrack. So fun! She feels great after her little vacation.


  1. Good to hear she's doing well!

  2. good to see an update , so is a full recovery expected?

  3. Sounds like she is doing really good!!

  4. that aquatred is amazing! never seen anything like that! {:-D

  5. Mazzy! Wow, that aqua lunger looks really difficult ~ an excellent workout!
    What keeps them in place...I kept thinking, she'd look foreward and decide to trot out!
    And you get to rife your own private trace track (no racing through)!
    Thanks for the update

  6. Sherry - Yes, a full recovery! Of course there are no guarantees with horses, but she feels great.

    Kacy - There are gates that come up in front and behind the horse to hold them in place.

  7. Just catching up on your blog, so glad to hear that your girl is doing well! And yes, what a life!


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