Congrats to Two Zany Zebras for being selected as our Featured EtsyBlogger for April :) Each month our team chooses a member to feature and the entire team does reviews on their blogs about the cool is that!
She makes cute little accessories for babies and toddlers. So if you have a baby shower coming up or a sweet new member of your own family, this is the shop to check out for that one of a kind gift. There is an array of items to choose from like onesies, t-shirts, bibs and burp cloths, bags and totes, even gift sets and so many different Zarkles as well. She offers custom orders as well.
PINK BUNNY Onesie or Toddler t-shirt

And Zany wouldn't be an EtsyBlogger without a stop by and see her :) She blogs about her kids, life, and of course her Etsy Shop.

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